Get Involved/School Council

School Council

Children do better in school when their parents/guardians play an active role in their education. This can be as simple as reading each evening with your child, attending school events and functions, or participating on the School Council.

Each year, a School Council is formed by an election at your child’s school. This council has the opportunity to meet regularly with the principal and to liaise between the school community and school administration.

For more information, see the School Council Procedure.

The School Council consists mainly of parents/guardians of students in the school. The principal, one teacher, one other staff member, and a community representative are also members of the School Council.

Contact your school principal to find out more information about becoming a School Council member.

Parent Reaching Out (PRO) grants program provides funding to work with parent stakeholder groups, school councils, and/or the District School Council – Parent Involvement Committee (DSC-PIC) to lead projects with a focus on the identification and removal of barriers that prevent parents/guardians and families from participating and engaging fully in their child’s learning.
The DSC-PIC will work in collaboration with school councils to determine projects and corresponding funding amounts for each project.

You can find more information through the Guide for School Councils on the Ministry of Education website.

Meeting minutes

Attendance: Rebecca, Holly, Janet, Desarae, Lisa, Dianna, Carleigh and Nancy.

January meeting minutes amended by Rebecca to say: Total projected for all 3 playground areas will range from $103,000 to $163,000.
First- Lisa, Second- Desarae

Chair’s report

  • Donation letters sent to 40 local businesses asking for monetary support of our playground initiative. Public recognition and tax receipts will be issued unless otherwise requested. $100 secured to date.
  • Desarae created a Survey Monkey capturing information requested by Dianna at the Jan 25th meeting. Desarae to send to Dianna to send to guardians.
  • Boston Pizza offered Easter shaped pizzas type event. Will support our next large event with kids free meal coupons and pizza at discounted prices for resale. BP team welcomes any suggestions to continue a supportive partnership.

Principal’s report

  • ABC’s re-quote came in at $110k. Majority voted to, if possible, have a $15k ground prep in-kind donation offer from a local business accepted, to bring the cost below $100,000 to avoid tender. Dianna will ask Tracy to reconsider allowing the school to accept the in-kind offer to save the school council $15k fundraising dollars allowing those funds to be used for equipment. Need clarification why an in-kind offer of this amount is being declined.
  • If ground prep can not be donated, then the majority voted to take an item or two off the ABC quote resulting in the total being under $100k to be able to move forward with a purchase. Should more funds be raised before delivery, pieces can be added back on to the purchase order. ABC will be awarded if their quote is under $100k. Dianna will reflect via email to the Board that the school council would like all three areas completed at once to save on site-prep, shipping, installation and ground cover costs. Also, the school council would like to have the playground project completed asap for the students to enjoy and the community to see their contributions used.
  • Maintenance contingency fund will be funded by HST rebate.
  • Mid year assessments completed.
  • Starting an “author’s box” to encourage writing.
  • Kinders will receive IPADS via school board as part of the 5 year technology plan.
  • Bulletin board at front lobby for school council communication with beechgrove community..

Treasurer’s report

  • $31,090.13 in Nevada account, $41,501.83 in fundraising. Total $72,591.96


  • Purdys chocolates hosted by Beechgrove, not council. Total raised towards end of year school trips was approx $1700.
  • Special occasion card fundraiser is next with Janet as the lead. One sample card and pamphlet will be sent home with each student in the next month.
  • Gravette’s test drive event is secured. Will be coincided with an end of year fun night. SAVE THE DATE poster to be put on communication platforms. Event will be JUNE 20/24. Extra bouncy castles may be donated to entice more attendance. $500 parent engagement money to be used towards this event.
  • Lisa to ask Katrina about borrowing the inflatable archery for fun night.
  • Two cotton candy machines running to speed up the treat line.
  • GPS movie nights are well attended and have covered the public performance license fee. Suggestion to inquire if GPS would be interested in alternating locations monthly/bi-monthly so families could support both schools and the workload would be shared. Beechgrove would need to apply soon to have our own license for 2024/2025.
  • Also, GPS hosted a BINGO night, which was well received.

New business

  • Offers given by school council to be extra bodies in the school or recess for extra supervision and adult presence to hopefully help avoid problematic situations. Due to privacy and confidentiality, this is not possible. It was recommended that instead, parents and volunteers (once cleared with police check), can start small groups within the school eg: reading groups, music lessons, yoga, games, etc. Bronco homework helper during the day at school is also an option. Other options/ideas welcomed.
  • Survey Monkey template created by Desarae will be sent to Dianna to send to all guardians. This will give the school feedback to their enquiries made at our last meeting.
  • Council asking the staff to develop a wish list of items needed that council can focus fundraising on for next year. Pinnies for sporting events have been requested so far.


  • Next meeting date is not set, communication will follow.
  • Request to adjust meetings to only 5:00/5:30 pm. Alternating meeting times each month has not increased attendance as hoped. Virtual components will also become a regular option.

Attendance: Lisa, Amanda, Carleigh, Dianna, Shaun, Nancy, Chantelle, Katrina

Minutes approved from last meeting: First- Amanda, Second-Katrina

Chairs report

  • Discussion re climate survey results re bullying
  • Staff seem to be utilizing the opportunity for First Aide training offered by the board

Principal’s report

  • Introduction to new learning approach to math “Math Talk, which doesn’t belong?”
  • There’s a steady increase in ministry standard success for math, writing and reading.
  • Our school is looking at a goal to increase attendance
  • Schools is looking for family feedback on the following: how to support families with
    academics at home, how to engage parents to support, how to support and promote
    attendance, how to support and promote students mental health, how to improve school
    communication/ newsletter ideas
  • Purdys Chocolates fundraiser will be run for a month by grade 7⁄8 for their end of year trip
  • Bike racks were delivered today!
  • Our school is looking for a parent to be a part of their Safe and Caring School program
  • Playground: Board is giving us $25,000.00 towards this project. We can re apply
    annually for $25,000.00 more. Total projected for all 3 areas will exceed $163,000.00.
    Locates and grounds walk through done. More info to follow for voting.
  • There are lots of clubs are activities happening at the school for students to be involved
  • School Council receives $500 from the board each year for Parent Engagement
    activities. Suggestions welcome on where to spend it. Eg: math/fun night, end of year
    school party, spring event?

Treasurers report

  • $74801.18 School Council account total


  • Pointsettias made $518.12
  • Greeting card fundraiser presented. It was decided that the most realistic way to
    approach this would be to ask families to preorder. Request made to wait until after
    Purdys is finished after March. Lisa to take this info back to Janet.
  • Feedback requested on another Easter event. Suggestion made to consider making it a
    spring event rather than Easter since timeline is tight (it would have to be March 23 or
    24th). VOLUNTEERS are mandatory to make any event successful. If you are available in any capacity (day of or behind the scenes) we NEED help. Funds raised all go back to our school. Lisa to look into car dealerships possibly willing to do another test drive approach to maximize our success.
  • New fundraiser ideas are always needed! Please share your thoughts.

New business

  • Christmas concert new format was well received by most that attended. Some families
    are missing the traditional approach. This will be brought back to teachers for
    consideration for next year, but in general; times are changing, our population is
    increasingly diverse, there are many aware of germs ect since COVID. Communication
    needs to be better regardless of the format, as many people were not aware of the
    details this year.
  • Some concerns over kids watching TV during lunch hour at school or on Snow days.
    There are times where supervision of some areas requires teachers to be overseeing
    multiple classes at once. If there are shows on a screen, they are educational eg:
    Alphablocks, TVO. Should any families ever have concerns of this not being the case,
    please reach out to your teacher or the principal.
  • Electives are not going to look the way they used to. There are activities planned for this
    winter, but they are predecided through the school. Blocks of students will attend

Next meeting

March 7/2024 at 3:30 pm


TLDSB believes and recognizes that volunteers enhance the learning experiences of our students. The Board appreciates that by engaging members of our communities, volunteers can model positive relationships and good citizenship.

Volunteer programs:

  • Foster a strong school and community partnership.
  • Enhance the quality of education.
  • Expand learning activities.
  • Provide innovative programs and enrichment activities using community skills and resources.
  • Optimize learning opportunities for students, staff, and volunteers.

There are many volunteer opportunities in our schools, these include help with:

  • Field trips
  • Breakfast programs
  • Reading programs
  • Library
  • Arts and crafts
  • Safe arrival
  • Special event days
  • Drivers
  • School council
  • Coaches
  • Career day

If you are interested in volunteering at your school, please contact your school principal. For more information, view our Policies for volunteering.

Frequently asked questions

The procedure for obtaining a police check varies depending on which geographical region of the Board in which you live. In most cases, the volunteer is responsible for taking two pieces of identification, including one photo identification to their local police station or OPP detachment. Please note, social insurance cards and health cards will not be accepted for the cost of any police check.

It is the policy of TLDSB to ensure that all individuals who come into direct contact with children have a criminal record check (CRC). The Board is in a position of trust with regards to students and must protect their intellectual, physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The well-being of students is a priority, and as such, we expect everyone who will be working with students to have completed  a CRC.

Volunteers are welcome in schools when they are available. The important thing for volunteers to remember is to follow the agreed upon schedule, and if you are unable to attend the school as agreed upon, to please contact the school and inform the staff member you were volunteering with that you will not be in attendance.

Each school has a visitor/volunteer sign out book in the main office. Volunteers are asked to sign in upon arrival and then sign out prior to leaving the building. In many schools, volunteers also have an identification tag, which allows students and staff within the building to know who the volunteers are.

A vulnerable sector check is for volunteers who will be working with a group or an individual who is identified as “vulnerable” by the police. This would be people in a position of dependence or at greater risk of being harmed by persons in a position of authority or trust. The primary volunteer sector that applies to schools is for “children under the age of 18.”

Volunteers are protected by the Board’s liability insurance against lawsuits arising out of their duties for the Board. Coverage only applies when the volunteer is carrying out duties assigned by the school authorities (ie. staff members). Volunteers are not covered by accident insurance, nor by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act through the Board. 

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Transportation info.

Muskoka Beechgrove Public School

395 Muskoka Beach Road, Gravenhurst, ON P1P 1M9

Contact Us

Fax: 705-687-7352
School Schedule
Entry to school
8:50 a.m.
Block 1
8:50 - 10:30 a.m.
10:30 - 10:50 a.m.
Nutrition break
11:50 - 11:10 a.m.
Block 2
11:10 a.m. - 12:50 p.m.
12:50 - 1:10 p.m.
Nutrition break
1:10 - 1:30 p.m.
Block 3
1:30 - 3:10 p.m.
3:10 p.m.

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